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Hillary Weintraub

Stats: 5'6”
AMDA NYC, Class '99

Actor's Studio of Orange County, on-going
Location: Greater Los Angeles Area



I Believe Women                               Survivor                                 Red Mouthy Broads

Fireturtles Music Video                    Mom                                       Not Normal Band Production

Divided Game Show                          Winner                                  GSN 

Geoffrey’s Malibu                              Tiger #1                                 Force of Nature Productions

First Car                                             Mom                                       Tracy + David Motion

Dejected Cop                                     Miranda                                 NYFA Student Film

Metro: Eat, Shop, Play                       Wife                                      Heritage Tree Films

The Elixir                                           Police Dispatch (V.O.)           Hoffman Productions

Butterfly Caught                               Yoga Extra                             Heckfire Films


Othello                                                Emilia                                     Long Beach Playhouse

Trojan Women                                  Hecuba                                   Archway Theatre

Shakespeare’s Haunted Garden      Gravedigger                           Archway Theatre

A Midsummer Night’s Dream          Titania                                    Archway Theatre

The Women*                                    Edith Potter                           Archway Theatre

Merry Wives of Windsor                  Mistress Ford**                     Archway Theatre

Frosty                                                 Kate                                        Force of Nature Productions

Postmortem                                       Marion Barrett                      Archway Theatre

Romeo & Juliet                                   Lady Capulet                         Archway Theatre

Postmortem                                       Marion Barrett                      STS Productions

Hearts & Spades                                Queen of Spades                   Force of Nature Productions

Oedipus-Antigone                             Corinthia/Thebona               Archway Theatre

Olive & the Bitter Herbs                   Wendy                                    Surf City Theatre

Much Ado About Nothing                 Ursula                                     Archway Theatre

Tribute                                               Maggie Stratton                     Surf City Theatre


*Valley Theatre Award Winner for Best Ensemble Play

**Broadway World nomination for Best Leading Actress in a Local Play

Voice - Alto

Accents - New York, Southern, British (RP & Cockney)

Poker Player

Good Swimmer


Basic Piano & Guitar

CA Licensed Driver

Current Passport

Training & Workshops

AMDA NYC, Class of '99

Actor's Studio of Orange County, On-Going

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